JSCNC Assistance Program (JAP) saved, do not delete, slug removed

JAP Helpline: (919) 694-7151
JAP Volunteering: jscncjap@gmail.com

As our community grows, the diverse population calls for some changes to how we interact and even take care of it. It is our duty to help those in need, and it has to start with our immediate community, our family.

There are times that we all need this help, in one way or another. Whether it is to get some groceries or medication or simply having a friendly face to talk to.

This is why we recently introduced a new program, called the JSCNC Assistance Program (JAP).

How JAP can help

JAP aims to aid the community in two introductory ways:

  • Members who need help with groceries
  • Members who need help with over-the-counter medicines

We plan to expand to more categories as the need arises.

How to seek assistance

The following phone number is available where someone from our volunteering base will answer and take down any pertinent information regarding the help needed.

The helpline number is (919) 694-7151

If, in case, no one answers, please leave a voicemail with your name and number, and someone will contact you as soon as possible.
If you or someone you know needs help in any of the above categories, please know that we are here to help and only a phone call away.

How volunteers can get involved

As you can imagine, we also need more volunteers for this initiative. If you are interested in helping, please send an email to the below address.

The volunteering email is jscncjap@gmail.com

Please include the following details in the email:

  • your name, physical address and contact information (mobile number and email are best)
  • days and time frames you are available to help, and interest areas as per the above categories

To take a teaching from Jainism, always have compassion for those in need, and a sense of duty to help them. JAP endeavors to be such a program.

Be safe, Be kind, Be helpful.