
Monthly Meetings

The community holds its monthly meetings at the Hindu Temple in Morrisville, NC. At the meeting, various activities, such as stavans, religious discourses, and educational activities for children (Pathshala) are performed.

Following is the layout of a typical monthly meeting’s proceedings:

 10:45 amPrayer/Stavans
 11:00 amAdministrative/Committee Announcements
 11:15 amAdult Discourse/Discussion
 12:30 amItem(s) / Presentation(s) by Pathshala children
 12:45 pmAarti
 01:00 pmLunch

Pathshala for Children

The Pathshala classes are held every first and third Sundays of the month starting at 10:45 am. If you plan to attend and/or need more information, please call the Pathshala director or send an email as provided in the Pathshala section of the Administration page.

Weekly Swadhyaya (Tuesdays)

The Tuesday Swadhyayas are conducted by Dr. Ramnikbhai Zota from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. If you wish to attend or get more information on topics of discussion, please call Harshadbhai Shah at (919) 341-8894.

Weekly Swadhyaya (Saturdays and Wednesdays)

The Saturday Swadhyayas are conducted by Pravinbhai Shah from 9:30 am to 11:30 am at his residence.

The Wednesday Swadhyayas are conducted by Pravinbhai Shah from 9 pm to 10 pm on WebEx Meetings.

If you wish to attend any of these Swadhyayas or get more information on topics of discussion, please contact Sejal Shah at (919) 609-0034.

Weekly Mahavir Puja

Weekly Puja is held at the Hindu Temple every Saturday morning at 10:00 am. Feel free to attend the Puja on any or every Saturday.